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When incorporating a company, first ensure trustworthy personnel

Sukces w biznesie

4 major steps that can help you succeed in business – part I

4 years temu
It is hard to do business successfully in times of fierce competition in almost any industry with an abundance of development ideas, yet… If you are determined enough, if you know exactly what you want to achieve, and – most of all – if you have the right tools, you can succeed sooner than you might think. We have gathered tips from specialists who have succeeded in the UK, and we are going to present them weekly in “Polish Express”.
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Zetha LTD

Zetha LTD receives the Trusted Company UK quality mark

5 years temu
Zetha Ltd owns the British weekly publications “Polish Express” and “LAJT” and the websites,,, It also organises the annual “Polish Choice” competition and other cultural events. Since 2005, the publisher has been operating exclusively in the British market, representing a group of the UK’s largest ethnic media, i.e. media for ethnic minorities in the UK.
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