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4 major steps that can help you succeed in business – part I

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It is hard to do business successfully in times of fierce competition in almost any industry with an abundance of development ideas, yet… If you are determined enough, if you know exactly what you want to achieve, and – most of all – if you have the right tools, you can succeed sooner than you might think. We have gathered tips from specialists who have succeeded in the UK, and we are going to present them weekly in “Polish Express”.

Utilize your personal potential

Nowadays, it is hard to find a niche where you can easily make big money. Unless your business idea deals with what you truly enjoy and with what you really understand, it is not going to be easy for you. A good idea utilizes your skills and talent to build your brand. Business is to be cherished or treated as your own child. There is no perpetuum mobile-type business, so each business should be well-thought-out from the start.

You can do business while pursuing your passion or invest your capital and actively multiply it. “Yet you should never expect miracles up front, or right at the start. You should still have a purpose though, and strive to accomplish it. And I do not mean the material aspect – I mean creativity, excellence and continued investment in the company’s development” – says Karolina Grzelewska, founder of the Hair-Life Professional brand, licensed trainer and instructor, holder of a Master Craftsman Hairdressing Diploma, and a member of numerous British hairdressing organisations such as National Hairdressing Federation, British Barbers Association, UK Hair Council, and Freelance Hairdressers Association.